Hello everyone, in this guide we will be discussing how the new SBA 2022 works so that you can apply for 10K+ loans.
SBA is the hottest trend among professional organised carders, so lets before we start the SBA method you need some basic stuff.
IMPORTANT: You will need a premium SOCKS5 proxy ahead of a premium VPN and we suggest you either get 911.re or VIP72. Lately both of these proxy providers are mixing blacklisted proxies which are causing a lot of people to email us in order to complain, guys, we appreciate your feedback but there is nothing that we can do about that as we are NOT associated with neither of those PROXY merchants.

However, as a word of advice we suggest you to check your proxy score and DNS leaks on Whoer.net before doing any sort of carding, this should be done as default, you must get into a habit of doing this whether you are applying for $10K+ loans or just carding a $1.00 item on wish.com.
You will also need fresh unused non-recycled FULLZ that you can get from our shop.
Ok, so now that you know the very basics of this scheme, these are the basics of any carding as you have to have unused fresh tools to carry out your schemes, so let’s start.
- Check if your SSN is validated we suggest site https://www.ssnvalidator.com If you got your FULLZ from CashoutEmpire.com you can check there as it will validate.
- Connect your proxy with the same state of your FULLZ.
- Change your system timezone according to your FULLZ timezone.
- Check DNS Leak suggested site https://whoer.net and https://www.dnsleaktest.com
- Go to site https://covid19relief.sba.gov
- Click sole proprietorship individual.
- On Review and Check All of the Following check all box and click on Continue button.
- On Business Legal Name enter your FULLZ first and last name like John Doe.
- On Trade Name again enter your FULLZ first and last name like John Doe.
- Enter your FULLZ SSN.
- Organization Type select Sole-Proprietorship.
- Is the Applicant a Non-Profit Organization? No.
- Is the Applicant a Franchise? No
- Gross Revenues for the Twelve(12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster (January 31, 2021) keep it under $40K
- Cost of Goods Sold for the Twelve(12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster (January 31, 2021) under 15K.
- Rental Properties (Residential and Commercial) Only – Lost Rents Due to the Disaster leave it blank.
- Non-Profit or Agricultural Enterprise Cost of Operation for the Twelve(12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster (January 31, 2021) leave blank.
- Compensation From Other Sources Received as a Result of the Disaster leave blank.
- Provide Brief Description of Other Compensation Sources leave blank.
- Primary Business Address (Cannot be P.O. Box) enter your FULLZ address.
- City enter your FULLZ city.
- State Select your FULLZ state.
- County leave blank.
- Zip enter your FULLZ zip.
- Enter any phone number, you can use Google Voice.
- Alternative Business Phone leave blank.
- Business Fax leave blank.
- Business Email enter your email.
- Date Business Established any date but before the 2019 year.
- Current Ownership Since same as above.
- Business Activity Transportation.
- Detailed Business Activity Limousine & Transportation.
- Number of Employees (As of January 31, 2020) enter under 10.
- Is Your Business Owned by a Business Entity? No
- First Name enter your FULLZ first name.
- Last name enter your FULLZ last name.
- Mobile number enter any number suggest Google Voice.
- Title / Office select CEO.
- Ownership Percent %100.
- Email enter your email.
- SSN enter your FULLZ SSN.
- Birth Date enter your FULLZ birth date.
- Place Of Birth leave blank.
- U.S. Citizen select Yes.
- Residential Street Address enter your FULLZ address.
- City enter your FULLZ city.
- State select your FULLZ state.
- Zip enter your FULLZ zip.
- Click Next Button.
- Additional Information select No to all.
- If anyone assisted you in completing this application, whether you pay a fee for this service or not, that person must enter their information below. leave blank
- Where to Send Funds for this step you must need a bank account if you don’t have a bank drop you can buy your bank drop from us and then order your debit card AFTER changing the address to your mail drop address in the US, this MUST be done BEFORE you apply for the loan.
- I hereby certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES that the above is true and correct. check this box.
- Click on Next Button.
- Now last summary solve the captcha and click submit.
- After 1/2 days you will receive one email for account creating if your FULLZ was fresh, unused and bought from our Shop.
- Create account and login.
- Set your loan amount and solve some security question and click submit process
- After week you will receive an approved email if your detail is validate
That’s it you’re done! We are always here to support you by giving you access to our arsenal of tools and services that are we have available at your disposal at any given time.
Good Luck, get your success in 2022 you deserve it, we will see you on the other side!